With make-up she is sensationally beautiful, without it - she is another woman!

Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? You hear how many people say that it is Beyoncé! It is undoubtedly beautiful, but not perfect, as it is often presented to the public. They showed pictures taken at the end of August on a yacht in Hemptons.

The difference between that overweight Beyoncé and Beyoncé without a lipstick is big. Natural beauty and everything that carries within itself can never be challenged. It's a far cry from something that could be called ugly, but because of all those women who see the Queen Bi, it should be pointed out that she has some disadvantage.
More precisely, without make-up looks "like any other woman". And there's nothing wrong with that. And she likes to escape from dressing, make-up and glamorous, and not so comfortable clothes (not fleeing, from the glamorous style of life, the yacht is proof of that). It's important to ask yourself whether these pictures will be bumped by Bionse because it is known that she controls every picture she gets to the public. 

She shows this photograph to fans to show how she looks without makeup. She does not look like her on the yachts. 


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